Winter skin moisture

Nectar of winter is not only in Amalkee dalai, but also affects the body. Skin is dry, white straws. Tension, skin is going to die, how much more!

Due to low water vapor in the air in winter, the skin does not get the necessary moisture. As a result, skin of all skin becomes dry or dry. The only way to protect it is to use a moisturizer or lotion; Harvester's skin care specialist, Afrin Mousumi, who said that the skin turns moisturizes the skin, is vivid and vibrant. Vitamins, oils and water, which are available in lotion or moisturizer, provide adequate nutrition to the skin and maintains the balance of the skin with nature. Seasonal Afrin further said how the lace should be used on the skin.

Excess dry skin

To maintain moisture on excess dry skin, oil and vitamin 'E' heavy lotion will be used. So that the dryness of the skin decreases and the refreshing skin

Oily skin

Oily skin should be used with lotions. Its use will not shine on the skin. Quick skin absorbs it neatly. When using lotion on this type of skin, be careful not to have any type of alcohol in the lotion content. This may cause skin problems.

General skin

Glycerinated lotion should be used on normal skin. The skin will help keep the skin moist and keep it smooth.

You can also make your skin-friendly moisturizer, as well as buy a lotion or moisturizer in the market. For this, two table spoons of grapes in a cup whistle gel, glycerin, semi-cup, bistle water, and three-packed pink rose mixed together and face in the mouth. This moisturizer will provide protection against all types of skin. Take out a cup of coconut with hot water and milk it. Now the stove will be enhanced for two minutes. Add one half cup of glycerine and a little lemon peel and mix it together in a dish. If you want, two Vitamin 'E' capsules can be mixed with it.

They can use this moisturizer in the winter to break their hands and feet. Use one cup of dense glycerine mixed with 4 tablespoons of apple sider vinegar and ample pink. Prevent pain in hand and foot, along with sunburn, remove dark spots. Lotion or moisturizers provide skin protection by keeping the skin enzymes in place. Afrin Season feels that lotion should be used while bathing or after washing the face every time the skin is wet.

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