Sex shows Indian women behind the United States of America!
Again public reports of El Parnhab survey. Naturally, all the strange information about pornography came in front. Especially in the porn hub year in review, many information figures have emerged from Indians.
First of all, India has come up a bit to look at this pornography. India has three numbers in the world. After the United Kingdom and the United States, India Where Pakistan could not take place in the first 20. These 20 countries have captured about 80 percent of the pornographic pictures. A total of 6,732 patabytes of data have been spent on viewing porn photos all year round.
Another interesting thing is that women are ahead in watching pornography of women. The number of women watchers has increased most in India. In one year, the number of women visitors increased by 129 percent, which is more than all the countries in the world. Filipinos, Brazil and South Africa are ahead of India in the number of female observers. That is the fourth India in the list of porn stars in the world. India has also dropped the United States and the United States in the number of female female viewers And the most searched pornstar is Sunny Leone.
There is a special reason behind this. This is the category "Porn for Women" in pornography. As a result, the popularity of pornography has reached the sky. Besides, the "Me too" trend has proved that women have come forward to discuss sex more openly.
On the other hand, this survey also shows how Indians are watching porn. In the year 2016, 70 percent of the photos were seen on the smartphone. And on the desktop, 28 percent The remaining 2 percent tab But in the year 2017, the Indian trend of watching porn has increased 86 percent. And only 13 percent on the desktop
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