Problem iPhone! Apple applying for Apple
In many families, it is seen that children are using bam-mom smartphones or tablets compared to adults. Even in that they have achieved more competence than the parents. It has become a genuine addiction to many children. So children are spending so much time with their parents that many parents have become concerned about it.
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The big investors have come to the iPhone manufacturer to come out of this danger. Calling them, Apple creates software that limits the use of kids' smartphone. Two investment companies have called this as Apple's $ 2 billion shareholder.
In a letter signed by both the known partners and the California Teachers Pension Fund, Apple has been asked to launch a digital lock. It is said that Apple is considering the impact of additional smartphone usage on children's mental health.
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They also said that if Apple does nothing about this growing concern then they may be damaged in their reputation and the stock market.
Recently, a Reuters report said that half of the US teenager felt that their addiction to mobile phones was created. They feel uncomfortable to respond immediately when they get a message.
Sonia Livingstone, a social psychologist at the London School of Economics, said he was happy to hear the call. He urged Apple and other manufacturers to remind the kids to break after a long time using the smartphone.
However, he objected to the use of the word 'addiction' in relation to smartphones. 'It's okay to be fit in the smartphone but it can not be addicted', he said.
Source: BBC Bangla
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