Eating fish to raise your child's intelligence

Eating fish to raise your child's intelligence
Eating fish to raise your child's intelligence

Increases the intelligence of children who eat fish at least once a week. It is also good to sleep as well. A recent study has found such information.

The study took part in 541 children Of these 54 percent boys and 46 percent girls. Their age was 9-11 years.

It has been found that more children are more likely to eat fish. The child's intelligence is far less than the fish in the fish. Children's intelligence was seen more often on fish consumption in different proportions.

This research is done through the Q & A. The children's reading and non-verbal skills are verified. The child's mind is more likely to eat fish.

The child's sleep rates are verified after intelligence verification. The opinions of their mothers are taken in this regard. It also shows that the children who eat more fish are better to sleep.

The study was done by a group of researchers from Pennsylvania University of the United States. They do research on demographic.

References: Zee News

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